The Most Dangerous Foods That Can KILL You

About 10 million people experience travelers’ diarrhea. The most common culprits are bacteria-infected food and water.


Carambola, also known as starfruit is quite popular in Brazil. This tropical fruit is rich in antioxidants, but also contains two compounds that are extremely dangerous for the kidneys.

Hot dog

Hot dog is a popular fast food among both adults and children. However, this food causes choking in 17% of children younger than 10.

Silver-cheeked toadfish

The Lagocephalus sceleratus, or commonly known as the silver-cheeked toadfish, is very popular across the Mediterranean. However, this fish contains toxins in the liver and reproductive organs that can cause paralysis and death.


This exotic Southeast-Asian fruit has exceptionally bad smell. In Thailand, it’s considered a royal fruit. It’s extremely dangerous in combination with alcohol.

Bitter almond

There are large amounts of hydrogen cyanide in the nectar of the plant of bitter almonds. Consuming only seven to ten raw almonds can be fatal.

Rhubarb leaves

The bitter white-red root of this plant is an excellent addition to many unusual desserts, winter preserves as well as savory dishes. But its leaves often cause vomiting.

Red beans

Red beans contain a toxin, phytohemagglutinin. That’s why you have to boil them for at least ten minutes before consumption in order to destroy the poison.


Raw cashews are dangerous because they contain urushiol, an oily organic allergen also found in poison ivy. They must be boiled before consumption. The store-bought cashews are pre-cooked.


Aronia is safe for consumption provided it is well cooked. Consuming raw aronia can trigger diarrhea and weakness.


Seeds of cherries, plums, peaches, apples and apricots contain chemicals that release cyanide in the body. However, only large amounts will pose a health risk.

Monkey brains

It may sound strange but this dish is very popular in Asia. It can be eaten cooked or baked, but it contains a virus that can be fatal.

Cassava root

This nutty-flavored root is a specialty in Latin America, but contains a large quantity of cyanide. When consumed raw or inadequately prepared, it can cause death.

This fish is a traditional Egyptian meal. It must be dried in the sun and salted at least a year before consumption.

Nomura’s jellyfish

This Japanese dish is highly toxic. This jellyfish can be eaten only if its toxic parts are removed adequately. Otherwise, it causes poisoning and death.

Casu Marzu cheese

Although not lethal, this Sardinian cheese is dangerous for the stomach. It seems as traditional Italian cheese at first, but it’s full of worms. EU has banned its use.


Iceland’s national dish is rotten shark meat that has been dried for six months. This shark doesn’t have a urinary tract, so the meat full of toxins.

African bullfrog

The skin and organs of this frog are extremely dangerous and toxic, but this dish is a real delicacy in Namibia. It can cause kidney damage and death.


Sannakiji is the most popular dish in Korea. It is made of pieces of live octopus served while still moving, so there is a great risk of choking.

Blood clams

Shanghai blood clams can be infected with hepatitis A and E. Although they’ve been forbidden since 1988, they are still found on illegal markets.

Fugu Puffer Fish

This Japanese fish is extremely poisonous. It contains tetrodoxin, which is 1,250 times stronger than cyanide, and for which there is no antidote. It can have fatal consequences.