What Is All the Hype About Low Carb Diets?

One of the very hottest trends for losing weight currently, is the phenomena around a Low Carb Diet. This could be great news for anyone looking for a completely natural way of shedding those stubborn and unsightly bulges impacting on strategic parts of the body. For some however, this new trend just adds further confusion about the plethora of weight loss remedies, and leaves many people wondering which diet is really the most appropriate.

Let us now look at the Low Carb Diet and see if it a good choice for you or not. One of the main principles of eating low carb is that you increase your protein intake. If you overeat protein you may end up with additional health issues. So while it is fine to increase your protein, don't go overboard with it.

A low carb diet involves eating quantities of natural foods that are low in natural carbohydrates and contain no or very little sugar. The types of foods you can expect to eat include:

  • · Fresh fruit with low natural sugars
  • · Veggies especially dark, leafy green ones
  • · Lean meats
  • · Good quality fats and dairy

There are many diet plans available, of which the Aitken's one is a good example. This plan suggest you increase your protein along with high quality fats. What this means is that you won't be eating foods such as potatoes, cakes, muffins, breads and pasta. In essence this means that you don't want to eat any type of packaged or processed foods.

What you will be eating is lots of fresh natural foods. This is also the basis of the Paleo Diet, where you basically go back to your roots and eat foods that you can either grow, gather or hunt for yourself.

When it comes to eating low carb they are varying degrees that you can aim for. To start with you will see results just by cutting out processed and packaged foods. These contains lots of chemicals, preservatives, sugar and other unreadable ingredients.

By going back to nature you will be detoxifying your body and this will help remove large quantities of toxins, excess waste and help reduce your fat stores.

Some dedicated low carb fanatics go as low as only eating 20 grams of carbohydrates each time. While you can do the same, sticking with a sensible eating plan is going to produce results. Especially if you add in an after dinner walk, or swimming once or twice a week.

It is important to choose an eating plan that will fit into your life. Do you want to go out to dinner with your family and not eat anything? Or would you rather eat smaller portions of a healthier choice?

One of the best ways to start using a low carb diet is to keep a food diary and see how many high carbohydrate foods you do eat. This includes reading food labels and seeing how many carbs are in your favorite dressings and sauces! You may just be surprised.

You still want to include quality carbs each day as these help supply your body with fuel and energy. So instead of looking for a drastically reduced low carb plan, start off by cutting back and see how that goes first.